Saturday, June 24, 2006

Off to Milano

My time on the Rhine is a little hard to describe without pictures, and I feel somewhat bad about the simplistic description I gave in my last post, so I found this website which has a couple photos from Bacharach. Suffice it to say, it was truly a highlight. Hiking in ruined castles, sipping sweet Reisling and chatting with Green Bay natives, Canadians and Aussies for two days is just what I needed after my urban sightseeing of the last weeks. Now, I'm doing a day trip in Frankfurt before I overnight it to Milan and start my adventures on Lake Como. One week of voice and Alexander Technique lakeside, here I come!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Ethan!

I finally got a chance to read your blog. It sounds like you're having an amazing time!

Door County is lovely, as usual, but a bit cold. I've been here for 9 days now and I'm already exhausted.

I went and saw Belgians in Heaven last night. It was okay. There was a picture of you from Bone Dance in the program and it made me smile.

I was talking about you at the Door Shakes Meet and Greet and someone asked who you were. I said, 'Ethan was an intern for AFT...' and Jim Lautenbach chimes in with, "That sounds like the start of a country song!"

You're well remembered here.

I'm heading to update my blog now, so check it out and drop me a line.



Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:22:00 PM  

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